

E_06_WW01sSim­i­lar to the near area “Aar­nescht” the “Wurzel­wiss” is also an semi-arid grass­land, grown on a stone lay­er, char­ac­ter­ized by nutri­ent lack, chalk abun­dance, low soil depth and a cer­tain amount of light and warmth, due to the north-east­ern position.


On the com­pressed ground, retain­ing the rain­wa­ter, the rare moor grass is growing.

The semi-arid grass­lands owe their ori­gins to the human inter­ven­tion in land­scape man­age­ment. They rep­re­sent the form of land with the most dif­fer­ent species in fau­na and flo­ra in Lux­em­bourg. Because of the spec­i­fied biotope con­di­tions, a lot of all those species that nor­mal­ly can be found pre­dom­i­nant­ly in South and East­ern Europe are liv­ing here. The plants are well adapt­ed to the arid soils because of a very large and well devel­oped root net. By this sys­tem they can eco­nom­i­cal­ly use the very small­est quan­ti­ty of water reserves present in the soil. By the same occa­sion this root net allows them to store all the nec­es­sary nutri­ents for win­ter times, eas­i­ly to be mobi­lized in spring. A lot of plants of the semi-arid grass­land areas present a thick and hairy leaf sur­face or very thick leaf, in order to be pro­tect­ed against a too fast evap­o­ra­tion of humidity.

Endangering of the semi-arid grasslands


The pro­lif­er­a­tion of the black pines endan­gers the semi-arid grasslands.

As those areas had devel­oped out of human use, a per­ma­nent care is nec­es­sary as oth­er­wise these grass­lands will mutate slow­ly to wood­lands. In the “Wurzel­wiss” this process is char­ac­ter­ized by the quick spread­ing of the Euro­pean Black Pine, which had been plant­ed for­mer­ly to gain work wood. The thick­et­ing of the semi-arid grass­lands is a nat­ur­al process, which can be defined as a suc­ces­sion. A nec­es­sary and adapt­ed care could be the sys­tem­at­ic removal of shrubs and Black Pines.

Orchids are one of the most famous species of the semi-arid grassland.

E_06_WW08s E_06_WW07s E_06_WW06s
Ophrys apifera Gym­nade­nia conopsea Epi­pactis muelleri
