Drinking water supply


The new water cas­tle, with its height of 40 m had been erect­ed in 1974. Its capac­i­ty is about 350 m³ of water.

With the begin­ning of the urban and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment of the Nieder­an­ven com­mu­ni­ty, infra­struc­tur­al improve­ment became nec­es­sary. There­fore since 1914 the com­mu­ni­ty dis­pos­es of a drink­ing water net­work, cov­er­ing the whole territory.

The water cas­tle with its under­ground tanks in construction

In Hostert, Ramel­dan­ge and Sen­nin­gen they start­ed by using the numer­ous present springs by lead­ing the waters to the water tanks, espe­cial­ly risen for this pur­pose. The water could run into the gen­er­al water tank in Nieder­an­ven and Sen­nin­gen and con­tinu nat­u­ral­ly its way down the slope shaped site. In Hostert on the con­trary  the water had to get pumped (the pumps were called “Wid­der” mean­ing rams because of the noise they made) from the low­er sources to the high­er sit­u­at­ed water tank.

Dis­tri­b­u­tion net­work of the SEBES

On Sen­ninger­berg, lying on a plateau, a high­er ele­vat­ed water tank or “cas­tle” had been con­struct­ed. It had been sup­plied by the pump sta­tion in Hostert. But soon these reserves did no longer last because of the demo­graph­ic increase, the con­struc­tion of the Sher­a­ton Hotel and the air­port exten­sion, ask­ing for con­sid­er­ably high­er water con­sump­tion. So the old water tank had to get replaced by a new one in 1974. This new water cas­tle gen­tly called “mush­room” because of its form is 40 m high and exclu­sive­ly supllied by SEBES (Société des Eaux du Barrage d’Esch-sur-Sûre) water, com­ing from the stor­age lake of the upper “Sauer” region. Up from 1973 the SEBES did install water con­ducts and built tanks all over the coun­try. Sen­nin­gen, with its 400 m high posi­tion above the sea-lev­el had been a per­fect site for such a water tank. The water cas­tle in Sen­ninger­berg has 1 tank in the tow­er and 2 underground.

Inte­ri­or view of the build­ing. By the SEBES water con­duct the water pres­sure in the tow­er goes up to a lev­el of 11 bar.

The old shut down water cas­tle could hold up to 80 m³ of water.

It sup­plies Sen­ninger­berg, Sandweil­er and the air­port and the under­ground tanks even sup­ply a part of the drink­ing water to Lux­em­bourg City. In case of need, the oth­er local­i­ties of the com­mu­ni­ty can also get sup­plied, by com­ple­ment­ing the waters of the springs.

The old sta­tion had to leave its place for the new water castle.

The for­mer inn “Hôtel de la Sta­tion” – nowa­days “the inn and restau­rant “Charly’s Gare”.

After the close­down of the nar­row rail­way line Lux­em­bourg-Echter­nach, the sta­tion of Sen­ninger­berg had been demol­ished. The for­mer inn in front of the sta­tion could be pre­served and actu­al­ly holds the inn and restau­rant “Charly’s Gare”.
