The urban development of the Senningerberg


The urban development of the Senningerberg

The “crest” Sen­ninger­berg had been inhab­it­ed since ever. When the site “Knupp” (rue des Sap­ins) had been ren­o­vat­ed, impor­tant archae­o­log­i­cal dis­cov­er­ies were made (brick stones, roof­ing tiles, bod­ies of old crock­ery, fire­places, rests of an old 3m large road). Even today you can find on a reg­u­lar basis old coins dat­ing of the time of the emper­or Augus­tus (27 a.Chr.-14 p.Chr.).

The name of the local­i­ty Sen­ninger­berg is men­tioned for the first time in 1842 in the orig­i­nal land reg­is­ter. Around the year 1900 there were in all 95 per­sons liv­ing in 22 hous­es on the plateau of the Sen­ninger­berg (400 m above the sea-lev­el). The “Paris­er­hof”, the “Mün­ster­hof”, the “Fran­zosen­grund”, the “Höhen­hof” and the cas­tle “Höhen­hof” did also belong to the inhab­it­ed area of Senningerberg.

Aer­i­al pic­ture of Sen­ninger­berg dat­ed 1974.

With the appear­ing of the nar­row rail­way line Lux­em­bourg-Echter­nach in 1904 Sen­ninger­berg start­ed to devel­op rapid­ly. Around the rail­way sta­tion appeared numer­ous pubs, becom­ing togeth­er with the Grünewald a favourite trip des­ti­na­tion for the priv­i­leged Lux­em­bourg soci­ety. At the begin­ning of the 1st World War Sen­ninger­berg count­ed 31 hous­es and in 1939 already 51. After the wars Sen­ninger­berg lost its inter­est as a trip des­ti­na­tion in order to become an envied real estate location.

“Cité Grom­scheed” once and now

The shut down of the rail­way line in 1954 did not change this fact, as the access to the Lux­em­bourg high­way in 1970 per­mit­ted, togeth­er with the con­struc­tion of the bridge Grand-Duchesse Char­lotte, to be even clos­er to Lux­em­bourg City as sort of suburb.The con­struc­tion of new roads and hous­ing estates had been a log­i­cal con­se­quence (for exam­ple rue des Pins, rue des Sap­ins, rue du Château d’Eau, Cité Grom­scheed). Last men­tioned had been con­struct­ed on the ground of the old stone quarry.

Some of the old­est hou­ses of the “rue des Romains”

In front of the sta­tion inn “Stom­parm”, first house in Senningerberg.

The “Scham­bourg” quar­ry in Seningerberg

Pub and Inn “B. Ton­nar” at the Sen­nin­gen station
