Settlements in the Grünewald



Staf­fel­stein” was situa­ted on the impor­tant Roman road Nie­der­an­ven (Ande­thana) – Echternach.

At a junc­tion, in the mid­dle of the Grünewald, there where the ter­ri­to­ries of the three adja­cent com­mu­ni­ties (Nieder­an­ven, Walfer­dan­ge and Stein­sel) come togeth­er, there you can find the “Staffel­stein”. Exact­ly at that place had always been stand­ing a huge stone, in form of a table, where once all juris­tic mat­ters had been discussed.

This fact gave its name to this place (“Staffel­stein” mean­ing stack stone). That was the denom­i­na­tion of those sites where all kinds of goods had been traded.

For a long time the “Café Sta­fel­ter” was a very popu­lar tou­ris­tic place.

This fact would jus­ti­fy per­fect­ly the posi­tion of this stone table at the bor­der of the impor­tant roman road (Dom­mel­dan­ge, Staffel­stein, Schet­zel­bour, Junglin­ster, Altri­er, Echter­nach). The old­est indi­ca­tion of a house or a farm on this site can be found in the old reports of the Admin­is­tra­tion of the Grand-Duke’s prop­er­ties, dat­ed 1889. The house had once been used as the forester’s dwelling, at the ser­vice of the Grand-Duke. Lat­er on it has been trans­formed into an inn.

The “Sta­fel­ter” before and after its resto­ra­tion in 2012


The name of “Berrjer”, old denom­i­na­tion of the Wald­hof, is near­ly for­got­ten today. “Berrjer” meant bar­ri­er. Here, until the 20th cen­tu­ry, a kind of cus­tom duty had to be paid (such cus­toms had to be paid every 5 km in those days).

The farm of the “Wald­haff” had been con­struct­ed in the year 1764. On the orig­i­nal Land reg­is­ter from 1824 it had been reg­is­trat­ed as the “Pesca­tores Farm” with its own­er Guil­laume Pescatores.

Nowa­days the “Wald­haff” shel­ters a part of the Water and For­est Administration.

The “Café Wald­haff” past and present


The old “Bëschhaus” (mean­ing for­est house), served for a long time as the dwelling for the for­est work­ers. After its ren­o­va­tion it became the scout’s home.

The “Bësch­haus” past and present


The atten­tive wal­ker can dis­co­ver even today the ruins of a for­mer distil­lery at the place cal­led “Bren­ne­rei”.
(point A on the map)


