Broadleaf and Mixed Forests


The nat­ur­al for­est — a life space for plants and animals

The for­est sit­u­at­ed in the South East of Ern­ster and part­ly belong­ing to the “Aar­nescht “ area, is char­ac­terised by a high nat­ur­al authen­tic­i­ty, with a lot of dif­fer­ent kinds of trees (beech, oak, Euro­pean Horn­beam, Tilia, cher­ry, maple or ash tree, Wild Ser­vice tree), shrubs, grass­es and herbs. The very rare Ser­vice Tree can also be found here.

Old trees and coarse wood debris are typ­i­cal ele­ments of nat­u­ral­ly grown forests

As this pre­cious wood should con­tin­ue to exist in its nat­ur­al char­ac­ter, the gov­ern­ment as its own­er has renounced to man­age this for­est of 25ha for prof­it and has clas­si­fied it into a pro­tect­ed for­est zone. A pro­tect­ed for­est zone is wood­land which can grow nat­u­ral­ly, with­out the human inter­ven­tion, which means that no for­est man­age­ment is allowed (as for exam­ple log­ging, care or new plantations).

By these means the wood can become a nat­ur­al and untouched kind of primeval for­est. This par­cel should regain its orig­i­nal char­ac­ter­is­tics as it had been some cen­turies ago. If the human inter­ven­tions are stopped fol­low­ing process will hap­pen: old and young, small and thick stemmed trees will grow togeth­er on a small sur­face, which will engen­der a lot of coarse woody debris.

Exam­ple for a food chain



This habi­tat will offer a biotope to many spe­cial fau­na species like for birds (mid­dle spot­ted wood­peck­er, Habicht), bee­tles or boars and flo­ra species like funghi (fly agar­ic, bole­tus mushroom).

The Service Tree (Sorbus domestica)

The Ser­vice Tree is one of the most rare wild berry trees in Lux­em­bourg. It can be found pre­dom­i­nant­ly on the east side of Lux­em­bourg, as here in Ern­ster. This tree is relat­ed to the Rowan tree and looks near­ly the same. Ser­vice tree berries are very rich in sug­ars and min­er­als and with their size of a wal­nut look sim­i­lar to small apples or pears. They car­ry a high amount of tan­nin and are not imme­di­ate­ly edi­ble. In order to decom­pose the tan­nin, the fruits have to be stored and can then become use­ful in the cider pro­duc­tion for exam­ple. In Lux­em­bourg a sort of spir­its had been done out of these fruits.

The natural forest — a life space for plants and animals

Spar­row Hawk

Mid­dle spot­ted woodpecker

Wild boar

Funghi, togeth­er with bac­te­ria and oth­er micro organ­isms are active­ly par­tic­i­pat­ing to the dis­in­te­gra­tion of dead organ­ic material.

Bole­tus erythropus

Fly agar­ic
