Compensation forest


New wood areas had been cre­at­ed at the edge of the air­port, in order to com­pen­sate the for­est loss suf­fered at the time of its con­struc­tion and enlarge­ment. The major part of this com­pen­sa­tion­al for­est is sit­u­at­ed between the air­port and the high­way on the Sen­ninger­berg side and on the oth­er side of the high­way. At the begin­ning of the eight­ies of the 20th cen­tu­ry a new for­est had been cre­at­ed, play­ing an impor­tant pro­tec­tion role against the light, noise and view from the high­way. In for­mer times this area had been used for agriculture.

Structure and maintenance

Before the con­struc­tion of the air­port, the plain south from Sen­ninger­berg had been used for agriculture.

As this com­pen­sa­tion­al for­est is not a com­mon for­est, where eco­log­i­cal and eco­nom­i­cal aspects are valid, its first role is to pro­tect against the noise and there­fore its struc­ture and main­te­nance has to be different.

Selection of the species

For this kind of for­est a high diver­si­ty of the dif­fer­ent tree species is impor­tant. You can find fast grow­ing pio­neer species like the birch, the poplar, the black locust or maple and the typ­i­cal for this site beech and oak.

A lot of conifers (pine and spruce) and also been added, even if nor­mal­ly they do not make part of a nat­ur­al grown broadleaf for­est. They con­tin­ue pro­tect­ing against noise and view even in win­ter time when the oth­er tree species have lost their leaf.

Forestry management

The forestry man­age­ment aims here pre­dom­i­nate­ly the pro­tec­tion func­tions. If trees have to be cut down, this hap­pens only by small bits, in order to pre­serve per­ma­nent­ly the gen­er­al den­si­ty of the wood complete.
