Historical sites in the neighbourhood


03_GW_NG (11a)At the « Stafel­ter » the ter­ri­to­ries of the three munic­i­pal­i­ties of Nieder­an­ven, Stein­sel and Walfer­dan­ge come togeth­er and there the Grünewald, declared nation­al mon­u­ment, shows many his­toric and cul­tur­al trea­sures, spread all over this region. The old­est dis­cov­er­ies are dat­ed Stone Age. It is real­ly worth­while to take a look at the neigh­bour munic­i­pal­i­ties of Walfer­dan­ge and Steinsel.

ATools and arrowheads dated Stone Age03_GW_NG-9

Many tools and arrow­heads dat­ed Palae­olith­ic; Mesolith­ic and Neolith­ic were found on the hills of Walfer­dan­ge and Stein­sel, con­firm­ing ear­ly stone age settlement.

BThe oak of the 6 princesses”03_GW_NG-3

It was between 1894 and 1902 that in hon­our of the 6 princess­es of Lux­em­bourg, the lat­er Grand-Duchess Char­lotte, Anto­nia, Marie-Adélaïde, Elis­a­beth, Hil­da and Sophie 6 oaks were plant­ed here and called the “6 princesses”.

C«Geeschterhäischen» 03_GW_NG-4

The « Geeschter­hais­chen » (mean­ing ghost house) locat­ed near the « Rén­gel­bur » served once for the hunt­ing lodge of the Grand-Duke Adolphe and William.

DRing rampart03_GW_NG-10

At “Pëtschend” you can find the remains of an old cir­cu­lar ram­part. It is show­ing a part of the ram­part, pro­tect­ing the the “Pëtschend” hill at its weak­est point. The ori­gin date of the ram­part how­ev­er remains unde­fined (maybe Celtic- or Hall­statt period).

ERaschpëtzer Qanat”

03_GW_NG-1In Walfer­dan­ge, you can find the remains of an old water sup­ply sys­tem of Roman time, con­struct­ed in the “Qanat” man­age­ment way. This sys­tem of Celtic ori­gins is made up of a tun­nel with a slight slope of 300 m length, of a small water gut­ter, help­ing the water to flow off and of upright pits, con­nect­ing the tun­nel with the moun­tain top.

FStone Age dwelling03_GW_NG-7

When exca­va­tions had been done at “Pëtschend” they found a pile hole from a wood­en dwelling con­struc­tion, dat­ing prob­a­bly from Neolith­ic times. It is unknown if this con­struc­tion had been used as a dwelling in Neolith­ic times or lat­er on in Celtic times as a refuge.

GRoman “Villa”03_GW_NG-12

The remains of a Roman house were found in Helm­sange, where sev­er­al dwellings were con­struct­ed along the riv­er Alzette, all at the same alti­tude (250 m) and equi­spaced. It is sup­posed that these hous­es were all relat­ed among each oth­er and with the high­er sit­u­at­ed Roman road by devel­oped streets.

HSepultural site03_GW_NG-6

It is pos­si­ble that the small ele­va­tion in the Grünewald had once been a sepul­tur­al site in Bonze Age or even ear­li­er times (f.ex. Hall­statt period).

IDoudeg Fra” (Dead Woman)03_GW_NG-5

Up to the mid­dle of the 20th cen­tury a cru­ci­fix, erec­ted on sev­er­al stone blocks, stood here on this place. In 1982 it had been repla­ced by a new road cru­ci­fix sho­w­ing, accord­ing to the old natio­nal tra­di­tion the cru­ci­fi­xion scene.

JRoman roads03_GW_NG-8

Sev­er­al Roman roads crossed the Grünewald. It is sup­posed that it had not been main streets but only cross streets, short­er con­nec­tions between the Arlon-Treves line. Along the Roman roads to Stafel­ter sev­er­al Roman tombs were dis­cov­ered (cre­ma­tion sites with urn fragments).
