Native fauna


The Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa)

12_GW_WT (3)As an omni­vore, the wild boar is rum­mag­ing the ground with its beak all by eat­ing acorns, beech-nuts, roots, mush­rooms, worms and grubs, young birds and car­rion. His favourite habi­tat is the decid­u­ous and mixed for­est. From time to time the wild boar is haunt­ing the fields and pas­tures, all by caus­ing seri­ous damages.

The fox (Vulpes vulpes)

12_GW_WT (4)The fox main­ly lives on the bor­ders of the for­est, but you can also find him in the fields. He is hunt­ing pre­dom­i­nate­ly birds, insects and worms but also fruit, berries and seed. As the major trans­mit­ters of the canine mad­ness fox­es had been hunt­ed inten­sive­ly for many years. He pro­lif­er­ates the Echinococ­cus multilocularis.

The badger (Meles meles)

12_GW_WT (5)The bad­ger is an omni­vore and main­ly active at night, prefer­ing to live in decid­u­ous and mixed forests. His sight is quite low but his scent and hear­ing how­ev­er are very devel­oped. The pair­ing sea­son is from July to August and the young bad­gers (2 or 3, max. 5) are born in February/March. The den is always very clean, on the con­trary of the fox’s, and is con­struct­ed on sev­er­al floors with a devel­oped tun­nel sys­tem, often occu­pied by “lodgers” (fox and rabbit).

Red Deer (Cervus elephus)

12_GW_WT (2)As the biggest native ani­mal specie the Red Deer is main­ly liv­ing on large wood­lands, as the Grünewald for exam­ple. Once the specie also lived on the open land but with the humans tak­ing more and more space for agri­cul­ture, the ani­mals had to retrench into the woods. The deer spend their day­time in their favourite loca­tion, which they are leav­ing at night. They eat sev­er­al times a day herbs, grass, berries, barks, pins and leaf. They need a very large habi­tat, also because they go for sea­son linked migrations.

Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus)

12_GW_WT (1)The Roe Deer are the most scat­tered ani­mal specie of the Grünewald. They are liv­ing on pas­tures, fields and in the for­est. Only the male Roe deer wears horns. They are eat­ing gram­i­nae and herbs but also tree and bush buds. The ani­mal is main­ly active at dawn and dusk. In May 1 or 2 (rarely 3) fawns are born.

The hare (Lepus europaeus)

12_GW_WT (6)The hare is main­ly liv­ing on pas­tures and fields, but some­times you can also find him in the wood. He eats gram­i­nae and herbs, but as well barks and tree or bush buds. The devel­op­ment of agri­cul­ture engen­dered a poor­ly struc­tured habi­tat and the sur­vival of the hare is compromised.
