Old “Charly’s” railway station


View on the entrance: Over the door you can see the gable win­dow with the baroque balustrade.

The name of the lit­tle sta­tion Charly’s Gare » comes from the famous nar­row rail­way train « Char­ly »,cir­cu­lat­ing between Echter­nach and Lux­em­bourg City from 1904 to 1954 and offer­ing a reg­u­lar con­nec­tion with Lux­em­bourg City. This line served as well for the car­riage of goods as of per­sons. Hostert, being the 5th of 16 sta­tions on the line Echter­nach-Lux­em­bourg, was sit­u­at­ed between the sta­tion of Sen­nin­gen and Junglinster.

Once the rails were run­ning between the sta­tion and the “Café de la Gare”.

The old sta­tion build­ing with its his­to­ri­an style of the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry (1904) had been well pre­served until today. Almost iden­ti­cal sta­tions had been con­struct­ed in Junglin­ster, Bech and Helm­stal. The entrance of the old build­ing is com­posed by two cubic wings put in T‑form and cov­ered with rolling sad­dle­back roofs. One part of the con­struc­tion served as bag­gage check­room and the oth­er as wait­ing room.

The red brick build­ing is orna­ment­ed with yel­low cor­ner and frame sand­stones and dec­o­rat­ed with het­ero­ge­neous style ele­ments as for exam­ple a round neogoth­ic win­dow or a baroque win­dow balustrade on the gable.

On a slight­ly ele­vat­ed site on the oth­er side of the sta­tion is stand­ing the old “Café de la Gare”, which serves again as hos­tel today.
