The centre of Niederanven


The cen­tre of Nieder­an­ven did change con­sid­er­ably over the years. Most of the old build­ings did loose their ini­tial affec­ta­tion and had been ren­o­vat­ed and recon­struct­ed to pri­vate means, so that their first des­ti­na­tion is no longer iden­ti­fi­able. Some of the hous­es had to get demol­ished in order to enlarge the roads. The streets did how­ev­er change less in their network.


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A20The “Kul­turhaus” in Nieder­an­ven, belong­ing to the Thorn fam­i­ly from 1957 to 1998, had been con­struct­ed by the clerk and munic­i­pal sec­re­tary Mr Matthias Schmit.

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B20The old school house had been restored and became a pri­vate dwelling.


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C20In this house there had been a tan­nery until the year 1914.



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D20The dairy had been work­ing up to 1941. Today the house serves for pri­vate residence.


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E20The old town­hall (1907–1977) had been demol­ished in 1978, in order to enlarge the “route de Trèves”.





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F20In the 18th cen­tu­ry, Nieder­an­ven gained a spe­cial tourist promi­nence. The phar­ma­cist Rademach­er ran a sort of ther­a­peu­tic bath in a build­ing near the bridge to Ober­an­ven. The land own­er was a cer­tain Mr Sev­erin Bous from Lux­em­bourg City, keep­ing the house as a week-end house. In 1750 Rademach­er rent­ed the house in order to wel­come the spa guests, will­ing to use the med­i­c­i­nal bath. They were also allowed to pray in the annexed chapel.

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G20The con­stant grow­ing of the traf­fic and the linked dif­fi­cul­ties, asked for the con­struc­tion of a gen­darmerie sta­tion on the “route de Trèves” (num­ber 213 today) dur­ing the Dutch occu­pa­tion. After the open­ing of the rail­way line Lux­em­bourg-Treves, the road “route de Trèves” lost of its impor­tance and the sta­tion had been relo­cat­ed to Rood-Syr in 1861.

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The enlarged “route de Trèves” today.



