The archeological Site “Staekaul”


A — The archae­o­log­i­cal site “In den Wae­len”.
B — The archae­o­log­i­cal site “Staekaul”

The region around Nieder­an­ven was sit­u­at­ed not far from a very busy road and inhab­it­ed since pre­his­toric times. Many archae­o­log­i­cal dis­cov­er­ies proof this fact. The bones, jew­ellery or oth­er dai­ly tools found in this region are of the most impor­tant nation­al dis­cov­er­ies of the stone age.

The most impres­sive dis­cov­ery had been found near the bor­der to Junglin­ster in the Grünewald at a site called “An de Wae­len”. There were tools, weapons and objects of art (from Ear­ly- , Mid­dle and Late-Stone Age).

A tumu­lus clea­red in the for­est on the site “Stae­kaul”

In 1990 it has been con­firmed that on this site in the Grünewald and on the area between “Staekaul” and the route d’Echternach, numer­ous gravesites from pre­his­toric times can be found. This sus­pi­cion had been proved dur­ing the storm loss clean up works.

The archeo­lo­gi­cal site “Stae­kaul”

Here they found so-called “Tumuli” tombs, cir­cu­lar mounds on an ele­vat­ed site, where the dead had been buried with­out pri­or incin­er­a­tion. This sort of sepul­chre cor­re­sponds to the time of the “La Tène Cul­ture” (between 500 and 400 a.Chr.) equal to the Iron Age. The tools and objects like ceram­ic bowls rich­ly dec­o­rat­ed, bronze rings, amber jew­ellery and a old­en brooch that were found around these gravesites are dat­ing from the same time.

The var­i­ous lay­ers were minu­tely clea­red one after the other.

As the Celts believed in soul-migra­tion, they always buried their dead with their dai­ly tools in reach, in order to guar­an­tee them wel­fare in the here­after. The high pres­ence of so many gravesites indi­cates a near set­tle­ment, prob­a­bly the ori­gins of the lat­er vil­lage Andethanna.

Burial objects

In the tomb of a man they added his swords lance and buck­ler and woman was buried togeth­er with her rings, pearls and brooches (as shows the picture).

