Amicale de l’Aarnescht”


The “Ami­cale de l’Aarnescht” is the first nation­al asso­ci­a­tion with the only objec­tive to pro­mote and pro­tect a nat­ur­al reserve. It has offi­cial­ly been incor­po­rat­ed in 1989 and counts about 200 mem­bers today. Among these you can find sci­en­tists or in nature pro­tec­tion active peo­ple, hunters, rangers, farm­ers, land­lords and ten­ants, recre­ation­al ath­letes or sim­ply for recre­ation seek­ing cit­i­zens. They are all plead­ing for nature pro­tec­tion in their munic­i­pal­i­ty and have the tar­get to make the pub­lic aware of the worth of this pro­tect­ed nat­ur­al reserve.

The objective and activities of the “Amicale de l’Aarnescht”

The statutes of the asso­ci­a­tion have 3 major targets:

  • study and research of fau­na and flo­ra species on the Aarnescht
  • coop­er­a­tion with the pub­lic insti­tu­tions to pre­serve and main­tain the Aarnescht
  • sen­si­ti­za­tion of the pub­lic for the beau­ty, worth and unique char­ac­ter of the Aarnescht



Uproot­ing of shrubs


Guid­ed tours over the Aar­nescht (on the right with the pro­fes­sor Léopold Reichling †)


It is in this sense that the “Ami­cale de l’Aarnescht” is plead­ing since its incor­po­ra­tion. All by help­ing to man­age the site, the asso­ci­a­tion offers a pre­cious help to the nation­al pub­lic insti­tu­tions for nature pro­tec­tion and to the munic­i­pal­i­ty. The active mem­bers work togeth­er with the nation­al admin­is­tra­tion of Waters and Forests all by exe­cut­ing the nec­es­sary steps and tasks, nec­es­sary to pre­serve the semi-arid grass­lands and the orchids of the Aarnescht.

The “Ami­cale de l’Aarnescht” is also active in the domain of edu­ca­tion in nature pro­tec­tion. On a reg­u­lar basis vis­its and guid­ed tours are orga­nized in order to inform and sen­si­tize the pub­lic about nature pro­tec­tion. The spe­cial nature trail had been set up on this pur­pose, so that every inter­est­ed cit­i­zen has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er the nat­ur­al, his­tor­i­cal and cul­tur­al prop­er­ties of the Aarnescht.


AA-25 AA-26

Incor­po­ra­tion meet­ing of the “Ami­cale de l’Aarnescht” on the 18th of Feb­ru­ary 1989

The Grand-Duke in visit
on the 26th of June 1990

AA-27 AA-28 AA-29
The vis­it of the 
Min­is­ter for environment
Johny Lahure

on the 26th of June 1995
Pub­lic cel­e­bra­tion of the
10th anniver­sary of the “Ami­cale” in 1999
The Sec­re­tary of State Eugène Berg­er vis­it­ed the Aar­nescht the
8th of Feb­ru­ary 2000
