The Chapel of Rameldange


Ter­rain sec­tion of the “Char­ly” rail­way, today the cycling trail Luxembourg-Echternach.

At this place the site had been deeply cut in order to pre­pare the ground for the rail­way. Not far from here in the “rue Helen­ter” a lit­tle chapel, erect­ed in mem­o­ry of the local priest Jean Bap­tiste Laplume (1797–1869), had been con­struct­ed on order of his fol­low­er, the priest Th. Schiltz. The priest Laplume had been killed at this very same place by a cupid young militia.

At the age of 26, the young priest Laplume had been ordained. He first had been a curate in Schouweil­er, then lat­er priest in Dip­pach and up from 1843 priest in Hostert. Dur­ing his man­date the new church in Hostert had been con­struct­ed and he was also very active in com­ple­ment­ing the doc­u­men­ta­tion about the roman exca­va­tions in the community.

Jos Fis­ch­er is the name of the artist who cre­at­ed the lit­tle memo­r­i­al. He also cre­at­ed the tomb­stone of the priest Laplume at old the Hostert cemetery.

The cru­ci­fix­ion scene

The grace­ful con­struc­tion had been erect­ed on the slight­ly ele­vat­ed slope. Its nar­row front side is fin­ish­ing on a point­ed gable. The wall below is open­ing in form of a tre­foil goth­ic arch and allows a glimpse into the semi dark vestry. Here, above the stone altar, you can see a cru­ci­fix­ion scene, show­ing Jesus, Mary and St.John. In the vault you can still find the traces of an old pic­ture, once show­ing prob­a­bly the firmament.

The memo­r­i­al tablet of the mur­dered priest Jean Bap­tiste Laplume

Anton Erns­dorff joinery

The memo­r­i­al tablet on the inte­ri­or right side of the build­ing had been com­posed by a friend of the priest.He com­pares the trag­ic des­tiny of the priest to the ago­nies of the cru­ci­fied Jesus. Ret­ro­spec­tive­ly Ramel­dan­ge can be con­sid­ered as a vil­lage with an old tra­di­tion in hand­i­craft. Besides join­ery or sculp­ture, the linen weavers craft had always marked the vil­lage. The street name “Rham”, mean­ing the frame of the loom goes back to this tradition.
