

The « Engelshaff » farm has an old his­tor­i­cal back­ground and is rep­re­sent­ed for the first time on the famous Fer­raris Map, dat­ed 1777.

The only name “Engelshaff” how­ev­er can already be found on an old doc­u­ment dat­ed 1526, where its sur­round­ings had been described. It was said that a vil­lage had been on that same place and that all the inhab­i­tants prob­a­bly died from wars and Black Death epi­dem­ic. In anoth­er doc­u­ment dat­ed 1403, a vil­lage named “Engerspach” is men­tioned and prob­a­bly it was the same “Engelshaff” from which only one farm house sur­vived. Nowa­days only the old chapel and its oak tree reminds of these old times.

The origin of the name “Engelshaff”

The deriva­tion of the site names like “Angel” or “Engel” is not easy to elu­ci­date, as sev­er­al inter­pre­ta­tions are possible.

  • It could be the name of an old reli­gion linked word (“Engel” means angel).
  • The denom­i­na­tion can also source from a person’s name.
  • It could have been the name of an inn (at the angel’s).
  • The word “angu­lus” mean­ing angle or cor­ner could also be the origin.
  • The old Ger­man word “anger” means grass­land or pas­ture and stands nowa­days for the wet grassland.

It is sup­posed that the name “Engelshaff” indeed comes from the wet grass­land sit­u­at­ed the at the edge of the forest.

The old oak tree It is one of the 303 most famous clas­si­fied trees in Lux­em­bourg. With its cir­cum­fer­ence of 4.60 m (mea­sured at 1.30m height), this oak is also clas­si­fied 26th of the biggest trees in Luxembourg.
